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Basically i need to start a K2 workflow after an upload of document to a Sharepoint library.

The upload however requires filling out an Infopath form to collect several fields of metadata beyond the attachment of the file itself to the form. I have designed the Infopath template (.xsn) form and published it to a Sharepoint form library.

When i click "new" on the form library, fill out the form and hit submit, the XML of the form appears on the form library but what i wanted was to have it not like this but as a normal upload representation as in a document library having the document and the different columns of metadata with values as entered in the form.

To accomplish this do you have any better ideas than having a document library beside the form library and then having my K2 workflow, associated to the form library, starting when the form is submited and then addind as first activity a Sharepoint Document event to get the XML data from the form (or probably the form library) and writing it back to the document library?

Then the K2 workflow could proceed doing what is planned to do working with the document library and forgetting the form lib. This seems ok, but at the same time we are keepping more or less the same information in two different libs...

Any ideas are welcome.


I think there are several posibilities, but I'm not quite clear on what you are doing.  Could you elaborate a little more?  Have you looked at the features of the InfoPath Integration wizard in combination with the SharePoint document wizard?

I have a certain K2 worfklow that performs several things including approvals and mails that should be started after the users perform an upload of a file. Sharepoint is my User Interface and i have the need to present an Infopath form to the users so they can fill it out, about 20 fields, and attach the file(s) this stage K2 is still completely out of the picture.

Upon submit of the form the XML data will go to a formLib that has that form as template and the submitted form data will go there. I could associate the K2 workflow to the new item event of the formLib so it started each time the users submit forms, and that way from K2 point of view i was starting the workflow at the right moment.

However, what i would like to have is the submit form data (and the file attached) represented in a normal Document Library and not as XML in a form Library, i later want the users to see Documents and not submitted Forms! So the only way i was seeing was to include a Sharepoint Document Event in the beginning of my K2 workflow that after the submit before actually doing the tasks that is meant for, could copy the XML from the formLib to a normal Document Library.

As i said my only question here was to know if there is any better solution that to have a docLib parallel to the formLib and through the Sharepoint Document Event perform the "copy" of the file and metadata, because i would like to avoid having more or less the same data in two different libs!


I think I understand your need, but ... maybe not completely.

Why don't you use the form library for the lifespan of the workflow, then, as a last step, upload the attached document in the document library, with all the fields filled in by the users as metadata? Of course, at this stage you could delete the form, then you wouldn't have the same data in two different places.

I cannot figure out how to do this in a better way, excepted using a Sharepoint Workflow integration, but I must admit I have difficulties using it with Infopath forms (see the last post of this thread
