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Can I install k2 .net 2003 server on a workgrouped computer? Is AD absolutely required?

To be honest, I have never tried it but I can't see why it wouldn't work. If you make use of an external user manager like the 'SQL User Manager', everything should work just fine.

I am looking for examples of the server config file that use the "Sql user Manager" rather than AD. I cannot get my server running.. the error is "Error manageing user manager. View logfile for details. The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted."

What log file?
The K2Error.txt log file - in's Bin folder.

Have you downloaded and INSTALLED the SQL User Manager component? The installation should take care of all the necessary settings for you.

No, i have the Beta1 for .NET 2.0. I am trying to build a Virtual Machine that is not on a domain, in order to do a POC for a large client, and I am not having any luck.

There is a Beta component available for SQLUM for SP3.
I am not sure whether this will work against SP3 Beta 2 though.

If you are interested in trying it you can arrange access to the Beta component through your regional support office.
I talked to this customer. He was able to get "SQLUM SP3" (.Net Framework 1.1) working with the "K2 SP3 with .NET Framework 2.0 Support" RC.

Natuarally, this combination isn't supported...but nice to know it can be done.
