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Here i migrated a sample k2.net2003 workflow in to the BlackPearl with upgrade option in K2Visual Studio.It upgraded with in few minutes. But when iam trying to deploy that one into server iam getting the error messege like 'Does not have Export Rights' .Please inform me how to give the permissions in the server. One more thing i found the steps in getting start article "Mangement ==>Management console ==> BlackPearl(5555).Here we have to give permissions ." But in my server iam not able to find BlackPearl(5555).But iam able to find Management and management console.For that i need to change any confugarations. Please check the attached screen shots.



Hi Sureshr,

 From your screenshots, it looks like you have locked down the permissions to the management console for PawanS.  Given that you logged on usin the SharePointAdmin account (from your screenshots), this definitely means that you will not be able to see the management console.  Try logging on as PawanS or give management console permissions to the account you are using and you should be able to see the management console.

Hi Johnny,

Thanks for quick reply.After using proper credentials now iam able to see the management console.



