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Dear all,

I am pretty new and I really don't know where to look for the documentations.

As the subjects, I actually have two questions.

 Does K2 allow me to provide custom functions by developing it directly using WWF?

 Does K2 server support scheduling to perform actions on some work flow instances?


Thanks very much.



You can include WF schedules using the Server Event (WF) event.  Although this has some interesting possibilities, I haven't seen anyone use it as the blackpearl toolbox is pretty rich.  There are a number of ways you can add custom functions depending on what you want to do.

I'm not sure exacly what you mean by scheduling, but yes, you can schedule workflows to run on a periodic basis.  Right now this functionality is only available through the scheduling API, but UI support is coming in the future.  If you are talking about scheduling activites within a workflow, that can usually be accomplished with a combination of rules on activities.



Thanks a lot for your response.

Here is what I would like to do. I would like to have a "scheduled" task, hopefully I can set it up in K2 server. The task checks all the instances of the workflows in K2 server at 1am every day. Then depends on the status of each instance, it performs some actions like sending an email to remind to the right person, cancel the instance or something else.

Could you please tell me how to do these in K2 way? Or point me to the right place that I can learn. Thanks again.



Hello Kel.

1. Does K2 allow me to provide custom functions by developing it directly using WWF?

Yes.  If you wish to use WF directly you can use the Default Server Event (WF) activity.

2. Does K2 server support scheduling to perform actions on some work flow instances?

Could you describe your requirements in greater detail? K2 provides time based functionality like Start Rules and Escalation Rules at the Activity level, which may be of value depending on what it is you are trying to accomplish.


I have a similar question...

I'm new to k2 but I've been involved in workflow (case management) for lawyers for years and I'm trying to tie in what I'm used to with what K2 can do. There seems to be a lot under the hood but I'm not finding much in the API so need some help and pointers.

I'll outline a typical scenario that I'm trying to meet in K2. A customer rings in and a customer care advisor takes him/her through an application process that results in a request for some documents to be sent in. Via a web form, the advisor would schedule a task called "Check documents received" with a due date of 5 working days from the point of the call. This task might be a simple web form that checks that the correct documents have been received and allows accept, reject or cancel to occur.

Each morning when the advisor comes into work, they first look at the internet their to-do list which gives all the tasks they must work on for that day and any that were left over from yesterday.

I've seen the example in the help of the scheduled email and the scheduled call of a custom method. I'd like to know how an activity can be scheduled. I'd also like to be able to have the activity in k2 without running some overnight process i.e. the clock ticked past midnight so create all activities due - I dont like that because I would like to see whats coming next week/month etc. I would imagine I would add an activity with a date-due in an activities datafield so that a todo list for todays items can be generated.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Hi Matt,

Generally the type of functionality you describe is handled via in K2 via a Activity "Start Rule".  A "Start Rule" provides the workflow developer to have more control about when an activity instance begins.  Start Rules are always time based; they provide the ability to configure either a timespan to wait (in your case it sounds like 5 days) or a specific date. It also has the ability to leverage working hours or  "Zones" to be able to calculate business days.




If I want to query all activities due next monday or, better yet, any activities due after a particular date, what would I use in the API? I'm not clear on whether the activity instance exists before the 5 days is up or whether something else exists that then creates the activity instance.


