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Hi Community,

I've seemed to pro-grammatically copy a document set inside another document set.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has done this and if they have experienced any issues with it? It doesn't seem like it's supported because there is no ability once you're inside a document set to create another document set only a document.

Let me know if I should be expecting a headache down the road allowing document sets to exist inside other document sets.



In short, headache = Yes.

You're right, it isn't supported to nest document sets within document sets, but obviously you have gotten around this programmatically.

If you are happy for this aspect of your development to be unsupported by Microsoft and you're going to leverage it in a way that doesn't require users to create them themselves, then you can continue, but I personally wouldn't recommend it. I imagine you'll potentially hit issue around migration and templating as well.
