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I need to create a solution to collect documents. Request is as follows:

Team A loads items in a list. Each ítem needs to be attached a document. Ítem state is "Request"

Team B attached a document to each ítem. Ítem state is "Attached"

Team A can revises if attached document. Ítem state is "Closed"

Team A maintains the list. Team B should only be allowed to attach documents to list ítems, but not change the rest of the ítem. Is that possible?


You can disable panel controls by a sharepoint group, if you can set TeamB in a SharePoint group and set rules in the panel with all the fields except the attachment control.

Hi Guillermo J‌,

   This scenario is surely doable. All you need to do it , put all the controls which will be filled only by TEAM A under 1 panel control and assign Nintex Forms Rules to that panel control. So that , When Team B person open the form , he could either see as disabled or cannot see at all.Please check this  .


Bashya Rajan A

Thank you Sojan and Bashya.

As per your reply, I understand the way to go is via use of forms. Currently I have Nintex Worflow but not Nintex Forms.

Please let me know if the following is possible/correct:

  • The way to restrict Team B access to a single list field (attachment) is through the form. Team B will actually have access to all the fields in the list, but the trick is to have them use the form instead of accessing the list via the standard list view
  • Can I do this with standard SharePoint forms instead of Nintex?

Appreciate your help.



Here is my suggestion.  Store the documents in a document library, rather than attachments to the list.  In the document library, have a column that is a lookup to the list.  So team A would create the list item, and then go to the document library to add the document, and select that item from the lookup column.  Team B can also add documents to the document library and select the item from the lookup.  Then change the permissions on the list so that only Team A can edit.  You can then add a workflow to the document library to update your status on your list item as you need. 
