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Do K2 designers and API communications function through Microsoft Direct Access?


Rolling out Direct Access for remote network access (VPN). Its an IPv6 based system. I've found that I can't use K2 tools from remote locations through Direct Access. I'd like to know if you know if your software works with Direct Access or not before I start complaining loudly to our IT Security department.


Issue: Rolling out Direct Access for remote network access (VPN). Its an IPv6 based system. I've found that I can't use K2 tools from remote locations through Direct Access. I'd like to know if you know if your software works with Direct Access or not before I start complaining loudly to our IT Security department.

Resolution: Following our research, we have found that this is currently not possible. Please note that that the K2 Server requires IPv4. IPv6 can exist but IPv4 is required.

While saying this, there is an open TFS Item/Feature Request: Support for IPv6 Only Environments. I am in the process of contacting the appropriate team to see if I can get an update and see when the fix is going to implemented, or if there is a coldfix we can get access to. There is not set date for release.

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