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There are issues with getting a display state on a form to display the necessary data from a smartobject. Currently the Process Instance ID and Serial Number are being used. Also we are unable to get the URL in an email event to display a valid URL to the form.


This display form needs to show it's data outside of the workflow. Basically after the workflow has finished a user should be able to navigate to this form and see the data that was added and changed during the process of the workflow. Since this is the case we can not use an Identifier such as process ID or Serial number because after the workflow has completed we can no longer open the worklist item to get the data. We merely want the data from the smartobject to display on the form, since this would be the accurate data from the past instance.



We added a "SmartObjectID" parameter to this form. When the workflow starts and the create method is run on the form we then took the ID from the output of the create method and populated our SmartObjectID parameter. Now on the display state for the form we have a read method run on the smartobject that uses the ID parameter on the form as input. This is done when the form is initializing. Now the form in the display state will use the relevant SmO ID to show the desired data for that instance.

To fix the Hyperlink in the email event for this display form we created a new .html file with the body text from the email event and made some modifications. See the below steps in order to get this hyperlink working:

1) Create an html doc. Save to desktop.
2) Copy paste in the email body.
3) Now, add in an anchor html tag like so: Form
4) Save the HTML file.
5) Go back to the email event in the workflow and load this html file as a template by using the "load html template" button
6) After the template loads there will be a button on the toolbar near where the load template button was. It should say edit html.
7) Now replace the ID number in the URL with the Item reference SmartObject ID.
8) Finish email event and deploy workflow. Test email event to see if this works.

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