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I'm wanting to display the version history of a particular column in an email.  Anyone tried this before?

Hi Dallas,

I've never done this but I would start using the GetVersionCollection method of SharePoints ootb Lists.asmx web service.

As parameters you have to provide the List ID, Item ID and Field Name. As a result you will receive something like this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


    <GetVersionCollectionResponse xmlns="">



          <Version Title="ccc" Modified="2016-05-03T08:43:41Z" Editor="1;#Johnny Developer,#i:0#.w|devdeveloper,,#,#Johnny Developer" />

          <Version Title="bbb" Modified="2016-05-03T08:43:22Z" Editor="1;#Johnny Developer,#i:0#.w|devdeveloper,,#,#Johnny Developer" />

          <Version Title="aaa" Modified="2016-03-22T12:48:57Z" Editor="1;#Johnny Developer,#i:0#.w|devdeveloper,,#,#Johnny Developer" />






You would probably have to extract the relevant information using XPath and/or a Regex but it should provide all the information you need.


