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I trying to display a table which is the output of an SQL request control in the form. I am using this blog post

1. I use SQL request to get the output table in to xml. When I run the SQL Query I get a column (datatable) with one row containing the output in xml.

SQL : Select (Select cIRB ID], ]Approval Date], ]Expiration Date], ]Review Type] From odbo].ovTrial_IRBApproval] FOR XML AUTO) as datatable 

2. So I have four columns and I want to display these on the form. 

3. I want to use the calculated value control to parse this output in a table. I need help with the formula please. Below is what I got and it is not working. 

<table class="dataTable"><thead><tr><th>IRBID</th><th>ApprovalDate</th><th>ExpirationDate</th><th>ReviewType</th></tr></thead>
<tbody>'+replace(replace(replace(replace(sqlIRBApprl, '</IRB ID><name>', '</td></tr><tr><td>'),'</(?!td|tr)ta-zA-Z]+><(?!td|tr)ta-zA-Z]+>','</td><td>'), '</IRBID>', '</td></tr>'), '<Review Type>', '<tr><td>')+'</tbody></table>


Please help. 


Thank you


Do you have a sample of the XML that you are trying to Parse?

@youlearn Did you ever get the issue resolved? I’m having the same issue, I can get the SQL query result in one line, however having issues Parsing it into an HTML table.
