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Hello Everyone,

I am hoping that someone can provide some insight to complete the request that has been asked of me.

First my SharePoint scenario is 2013 on premise with Nintex Workflow 2013.

What I have been asked to do is the following:

1. I have a custom list called SR Tracker. This list tracks a groups customer service review calls. When they happened, when the next call should happen and the service review ticket. An example is seen below:


2. I need to find out information from two columns. The items highlighted in yellow is a column called Call Status. The items highlighted in red is a column called Next QSR MM/YY.


3. I need to find out the most recent item in the Call Status column and then display the date (such as April 2016 as seen above) from the Next QSR MM/YY field in another field on the Customers custom list.

I need to know what is the best way to grab this information and get this information put into the other field in the Customers list.

Thank you

Are you trying to grab this information through a workflow on your customers list?

I would like to grab this information through a workflow. Then it is automated and there is no user intervention.

You could use the query list action to the sr tracker list and filter by customer and sort by date newest to oldest. Store the ID into a collection variable.

use collection operation to "pop" off the first item in your collection (your newest item). you can then query the list again with that ID to get the date you need.

does that make sense?

i can do some screenshots tomorrow if you need?

Hey Cassy, that solution sounds like it would work.

If you have the chance to do some screen shots that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your feedback.

OK here we are.

Workflow on customers list.

Queries SR tracker where customer = customer, sorting by created in ascending order (oldest to newest) and storing IDs pulled back into a collection:



Then use a collection operation to "pop" off the last item in the collection (the ID of the newest item in SR tracker list for that customer).  I tried this with a List ID type variable which it errored on, so I used a number variable instead.


then query the SR tracker list again where ID = vNumLatestID populated above in the collection operation to pull back the fields you need; call status and next QSR



and voila!  I have run this and it pulls back the latest record fine and gives me the information.  I logged in history list:

Final workflow

