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We are encountering an issue where we are unable to access the designer for smartforms from remote machines:

We tried using both the IP and the server name, neither works:
We are getting a certificate error. When we bypass the certificate, we get a page not found error. This URL works fine when we log into the server and navigate to it, so we know it's working. It's worth noting that our remote machines are on a separate domain than our development machines.


We noticed that customer configures Workspace with http on port 81, and smartforms with https on port 4444. Both sites have http and https enabled. Since there is no requirement that the customer needs to use smartforms with https, we decided to configure smartforms to use http instead.


Remove https binding on both K2 and smartforms sites. Run K2 blackpearl Setup Manager. Run smartforms Setup Manager. Make sure to select the http binding during the configuration.

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