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What is the difference between these 2 forms:

1. Within a Nintex Workflow under Workflow Settings, Edit Start Form > Edit with Nintex Forms

2. Within a List, Nintex Forms > Customize the Item Form

When I select New for the list, the form created in #2 above is displayed.  How/when is the form in #1 displayed?

Thank you.

You can see the nintex workflow start form when you run the workflow from the item menu or when you start the workflow manually. When you create a new item you will see only the list form.

How would I get the nintex workflow start form (from within the workflow) to launch for a new item?

Nintex workflow forms show only if there is an item. You can not have nintex workflow form for creating a new item.

You would typically edit the start form of the workflow for manually starting workflows that require input data before they can start (this is when you create a variable in workflow and choose to "show on start form").

Generally the use case is this:

Nintex Workflow Start Form:   Used for Site level workflows.  Provides an interface (form) from which to start a site workflow.  The form "lives" with the workflow.

List Item Form:  Used to represent an item in a list as an interface. Lives in the list on top of the item.

I am newbie to Nintex, would like to know if the Nintex Start Form variables can be saved to a particular list in Sharepoint.  How can we achieve this.  Please help.

Hi yes but you would need to handle this in your workflow.  i.e. use your starting variables in an "Update item" or "Set field value" action

Thanks Cassy for the help, but any example how to do that would be greatly appreciated, because I am still puzzled how to do that.

To be precise on my question - I have 10 startup variables declared on the Nintex Start Form, and I need them to be stored to a List.  As you have suggested, I have tried "Update Multiple Items" instead of "Update Item" since I have multiple variables.  Under the filter tab its showing as "Select all list items" and "Select items only when the following is true:"; my confusion is which to select and how to add multiple fields and save the workflow data.


Thanks for the help in advance.

OK how do you know which item you want to update?  Do you have the ID or something unique to identify it with?  Once I know that I can show you how to do it.

Screenshot of your starting form and the destination you want to update would help.

Sorry, for the delay in replying, our IT team did not approve the original form to be posted, so created a dummy or a lookalike form of the original.  Below are the screen shots.

1. Screen shot of the Form which has 6 Variables out of which the Ledger EntryNo is the Unique ID

Screenshot of the Form

2. Sample Screenshot of the workflow

Workflow Screenshot

3.  The sample list which is created for this the form purpose and which has to store the form Variables.  The Variables should be added as a new entry to the list instead of updating it.  As we will be adding new records using this form.

Screenshot of Sample Sharepoint List

   The sharepoint list also should verify that the Ledger EntryNo is unique, so that we avoid duplication of records.  Is that possible, please help and thanks for extending the help.

I would say before your update you query your list where Ledger EntryNo = start variable and store the ID field.

use set a condition to see if the ID is empty - if it is, the item does not exist, so create item.  If it is not empty, item does exist, so update item (using where Ledger EntryNo = start variable)

This worked like a charm, thanks for the reply Cassy.

Your answer worked for me, below is the screenshot of the updated workflow as suggested by you.  But had another question over this, is there a possibility that when we enter Ledger EntryNo, the system checks the list in realtime and if its a duplicate, it informs the user with "Message Box" stating that its a duplicate.

If the Ledger EntryNo is unique, it states  that its a unique record in a Message box.  Is this possible, if Yes let me know the method to use in Nintex forms.

Updated Workflow
