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Hi gus

while reading different documentation about k2 i came across events or something like it that end with ed and the ones thaqt end with ing.

for example the event "approved"  is different that "approving".

 can any body help because i really forgot where i read it.


Not sure if you refer to someting else, but, you can call an Event anything you want, K2 does not care if it ends with 'ed' or 'ing', or 'xyz' for that matter, it's just a descriptive name for what must be done at that Activity, e.g. 'Review Document' 

I am sorry that you understand me wrongly...

i am sure that the event has a specific name

this name either ends with ING or ED...each of these events are triggered for different reasons and different timing.

You see Mr. Smiddie i have gone through many documents talking about k2 and sharepoint and their.Now i think it might be realted to sharepoint more than k2.

i hope i havent wasted your time

Reading your post reminded me of a section in the K2 help around which types of SharePoint events the K2 SharePoint Integration Wizard supports.  I wonder if thats what you were referring to.  Here is the section from the blackpearl help:

 K2 Process > K2 Wizards > Process Wizards > SharePoint Events Process - Orientation

What does the SharePoint Event Wizard Do?

The SharePoint Events Process wizard provides a direct approach for hooking a K2 blackpearl process up to events that occur in lists and libraries in SharePoint.

The SharePoint Events Process wizard integrates a process with a particular event on a list or library. SharePoint supports two styles of events when integrating, synchronous and asynchronous events. An example of the two styles of events are the ItemAdding and ItemAdded events. Any events ending with “-ing” are synchronous, any events ending in “-ed” are asynchronous. The SharePoint Events Process wizard provides integration with the asynchronous set of events; the synchronous events are not supported. By only supporting the asynchronous events, K2 blackpearl can ensure that SharePoint will not hang or crash if a poorly designed process is integrated with a list or library.

Thanks for All

and Mr TIMKN...your contribution is Bull's is exactly what i was looking for
