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ok, this is driving me crazy.  I had a workflow that was working properly prior to SP1 and now its giving me lots of problems.  I had an InfoPath Client Event which had 3 Roles as destination users.  When the workflow got to that task it would assign the task to the 3 Roles at the same time.  When all 3 Roles had marked the taks Approved it would move along the Approved line to the next task.  Since moving to SP1 it no longer moves on to the next task and doesn't show there are any tasks to just stays at the InfoPath Client Event and doesn't move.  Any ideas what would cause this?

What sounds like is happening is that the succeeding rule is evaluating to false and not allowing the activity to complete so I would run throught the destination rule again in advanced mode and make sure that you have "Create a slot for each role" checked.  Also make sure that the rules behind the outcomes are using "All slots".

 I hope this helps.


There were some changes in this area in sp1


If you want something to be assigned to individual users try a “Plan per destination – All at once” plan with a single slot.   To do this go into advanced mode destination planning (activity strip, destinations, back button, advanced, next button).

Ok so here's what I'm looking for....and this was working prior to the update.

I have an Approval Action.  3 outcomes (Approve, Decline, Rework).

3 Destinations (Roles).  Each role must approve before it can continue but doesn't need to be sequential.

for testing purposes I have only entered myself in each of the groups.

 So I set the Destination Rule up as follows: Plan just once, Create a slot for each destination, resolve all roles to users, added the 3 roles with no Destination Set Rules.


When I ran the above setup it assigned the task to me, I actioned it once (approved) then the task disappeared from my worklist and I can no longer action or continue.

ok, did a little trial and error, if I run it the following way it ALMOST works

 So I set the Destination Rule up as follows: Plan just once, Create a slot for each destination, create a slot for each role, added the 3 roles with no Destination Set Rules.

The only problem now is since i'm in all 3 groups, it only assigns 1 task to me, after I action that task it dissapears from the worklist.  I then have to go into the form to manually action the last two tasks before it will continue.

That behavior is by design. K2 will not give duplicate tasks to users.  If a user is a part of more than one group or role that is specified for a destination on an activity they will only get one task item.  If you need to have a task item for each role where users can be in multiple roles you will need to have a seperate activity for each role task.  I hope this make sense.

