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If I create a K2 Role with an AD Group as a member and configure a Destination User to this role, no-one receives the task.

Whereas if I use the AD Group directly, it works but no email notifications are sent.

How do I:

  • Get roles to work? OR
  • Get email notification to work?

For email notifications u can use Mail event in event wizard. Also check whether in the Process rights section, have you added the required AD groups with contribute permission, ideally this should work.

If memory serves me right I recall issues when using roles with AD Groups, they don’t resolve correctly, what is the latest patch you are running? KB000540 contains a hot fix for the groups in roles issue.

In the client event use the AD groups directly or the users explicitly when configuring the notification/Destination users.


We're running 4.9040.550.0. 

I'm happy to use AD groups directly, but the members don't receive a notification email. How can I fix this? (I can't manually send an email because you can't send an email to an AD group). is the destination rule setup? Does this work when using users explicitly?

The destination rule is a Field (i.e. from the String Table) and the members of the group correctly receive the task in their worklist. They don't receive an email however.

Yes - if I specify a user explicity they receive the task and the notification email.

As a test have you tried creating a role and adding the user directly to the role...does this send the notification mail?


I think this may have worked - however my client wants to drive everything through AD groups.

A mail-enabled group may be a solution - where I create a manual notification email to the group address -  but it's unfortunate that it doesn't currently unpack the group and send a notification email to each user (or provide some options). Pearl seams to have more options, but not sure if notifications emails work when you send to an AD Group.

I tested this and it seems to work fine when using AD groups. Please ensure the destination rule is setup to plan all at once, create a slot for each destination and Resolve all roles and groups to users.

One more question is the users/groups from different domains, or better yet do you have a multi domain setup?


Yes, I have multiple domains setup (e.g. SecurityLabels table has been configured) with Kerberos configured. Yes, the AD group is in a different domain from the K2 Service account/server.

Does BlackPoint have "Plan all at once"/"Resolve all roles and groups to users" options?

Can you please check if there is an ADUMError.txt file in the [installdir]host serverBin folder, if so please attach it to the post. What happens when resolving groups from the same domain as the K2Server?  How is the trust between the two domains setup? You can try creating a two way trust between them thus eliminating possible trust issues between them.




