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Hi Guys,


I have set up a destination set of type user to point to a list method on a datatable that conatins AccountNames inside an activity, I have set the plan to "All at once" as I have done with so many other activities. I have 2 email events inside the activity. 1 is configured to use the destination, the other is configured to spceficy the recipient.


The issue I am getting is that when more than one user is present in the dataTable the specfied recipient will receive an email for every user in the destination set. i.e. duplicates. The expectation is that the specified user will recive 1 email and each of the users in the set will also recive one email.


What seems to be happening is the activitly is completing for each user almost looping when more than user is specified. The same behaviour can be observed in similar activity further on in the process, I have a counter that increment when the activity is fired, however, the increments I am getting are proportioanl to the amount of users in the table. For example if the counter =1 and the user count is one, everything works as expected, however, if the counter is 1 and the user count is 2, the activity fires 2 twice and my counter will skip 2 showing first 1 and then 3 indicating that the activiy itself is firing for each user in the table. To prove this we inserted 3 users and observed the jump from 1 to 4.


I have set this activity the same for many processes and I don't get a problem, everyone gets one email with no duplicates. I can even put both inthe same email event i.e. select both destination and specfied for the same email.  


I was wondering if anyone else has come accross this issue and if it's a problem with the product or the configuration? Admitedly one of the nice things about K2 is that it usually is me thats the problem and not the proiduct!! Thanks in advance!!

Hold on.. "All at once" or "Plan just once" ?


"All at once" is under "Plan per destination", so it does sound correct that it loops for each destination user.
