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I do not have Active Directory setup on my server.
Just wonder in this case, how can I assign users/group in destination rule (Activity template) ?
can I use SQLServer 2000 users ?
if yes how to in-corporate it into K2 Studio ?

Help please.

Hi Yeong,

I would propose that you make use of the SQL User Manager.
This SQL User Manager can be used instead of the native active directory user manager. Basically when the SQL User Manager is installed, the Active Directory user manager is plugged out , and all user/group management is handled through the use of a SQL database.

SQL User Manager is still in BETA and it works only with the latest 2003 components. You may download the latest 2003 SQL User Manager 3.3322.1.0 at this location:

The SQL User Manager ships in 2 parts (a server installation, and a Studio installation). The Server Installation portion, creates a new database (by default it is called K2SQLUM, but the name can be changed), which is then used to house the users/groups. The installation is not that complicated.

If you currently have a database containing all the usernames (and potentially the groups), for simplicity, a trigger should be setup, such that the data is cross-populated from the existing database to the new K2SQLUM user/group database.

I'm new to K2... I doing my first project.. My 1st question is if I use sql user manager instead of Active directory, what are the pros and cons...
Next... Can we direct the worklist to the users of Sql User Manager....etc

I can not really speculate on the pros and cons of using ADUM vs. SQLUM. They're both just user managers - a place where usernames, passwords, email addresses, etc. are maintained. If your company/client has got an AD in place - use it. If not, use SQLUM. Obviously, AD is a much more secure environment since Windows authentication methods can be used whereas in SQLUM all usernames and passwords are sent across the network in clear text (unless you do some fancy encryption). So, if security is important - use AD.

Sure you can direct worklist items to users defined within SQLUM. If SQLUM is installed properly, you'll see the names of users and groups defined within SQLUM on the Destination Rules of Activities.

Thanks 🙂
If your company/client has got an AD in place - use it

Hi Ockret

Can I Host Multiple processes that belong to different customers or clients, in same K2 server.

If so how shall i differentiate the clients (is there any means of customized urls).

My org runs a domain server(only one in which K2 is installed), ADS is there in it and is it possible to have users of different clients in the same ADS. If so how to manage them (example: Client1:User1:user1's manager how could be differentiated with Client 2:user 2: user2's manager)

Finally can I access the ADS of my client if he has one and if so please let me know how. (using system.directoryservicess.dll's methods?? or else )

thanks for your answers in advance


Finally can I access the ADS of my client if he has one and if so please let me know how

Hi Ockrut,

I mean this by saying so:

Hosting K2 in my Company's domain server, and accessing users of my client(say Customer 1) through Customer 1's ADS

thanks again

Hi thiru,

I think you should talk to some of our professional consultants...
In short, it is possible to authenticate users across domains but for this to function properly, you'll need two-way trusts to be set up and I suppose this could create security risks to your customers.

What we do with our Customer and Partner portal, is to keep a list of 'external' users in a database. The customer and partner portal application then authenticate the users against this database and everything done by a partner or customer is then done under a specific user context.

