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I am receiving the following error message when accessing ProcessInstance data from an aspx page :

DEVEDUUC10634 is not allowed to open the worklist item

which is coming from the following code :


void Main(ref DestinationRuleContext K2) {
K2.ResolveQueuesToUsers = true;
SourceCode.K2Utilities.DSHelper oDSH = new SourceCode.K2Utilities.DSHelper(SourceCode.K2Utilities.DSHelper.DSHelperNewOptionsEnum.DefaultLDAPDomain);
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry oDEManager;

string sManager;
bool bAllTrue = true;
CDest1 oDest1 = new CDest1();
oDest1.Main(ref K2);

if (oDest1.IsSuccess == true) {
//== sendto

*************  These lines are switched, the first causes the error **********
K2.Destinations.Add(DestinationType.User, K2.ProcessInstance.DataFieldsd"SponsorFQN"].ToString());
//K2.Destinations.Add(DestinationType.User, @"DEVEDUUC10634");

if (bAllTrue == false) return;

// Destination Classes

private class CDest1 {
public bool IsSuccess = false;
public void Main(ref DestinationRuleContext K2)
this.IsSuccess = true;


These lines should be equivalent but the first causes a permission error message, the second runs the aspx page successfully.  SponsorFQN ProcessInstance data is being populated with DEVEDUUC10634 successfully.

Hi kazoos,

What does the code behind your client event look like?



Hi kazoos.

In additoins to Ockert's request, where is the value of your process data field "SponsorFQN" being pulled from? 

I have seen situations where FQNs were keyed into database tables and K2 used them, however one or two people where not able to open their tasks, even though it appeared correct in Workspace.  After quite a bit of diggined we discovered that these particular FQNs were entered into the external table with an extra space after it (i.e. "DEVEDUUC10634 " instead of "DEVEDUUC10634").  This extra space was virutally impossible to find in workspace. K2 does not trim anything upon destination add, or task authentication so it was in fact comparing two different strings.



