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I created a simple process wherein an Employee fills out a form and after submission it is to be directed to his/her manager and after managers approval it goes to HR manager.

Initially to test the process, I was selecting peoples name from Active Directory of the company to direct these forms (and not doing the mymanager stuff). It was working fine. Requests form all the users were directed to only one person whom I had selected from Active directory. And even HR manager was a persons name from Active Direcotry. EVerything was working fine until I started to change the Destination Rules for the Activities.

People in our company are being transferred from one dept to another on regular basis and so do the managers change chairs. So we created Active direcotry in the following manner so that we dont have to do lot of changes each time a person changes form dept to dept.

For each Dept we created two groups in Active directory..e.g for IT Dept we have 2 groups in Active Directory

ITDept and

ITDeptManager contains IT Manager only.
ITDept contains all the members fo IT and as well as the ITmanager. This group is managed by the ITDeptManager.

Now when I changed the Destination Rule to myManager of the Originator..Error is created int he process and the Manager doesn't receive the Request.

Any help is appreciated.
What is the error message being generated? Probably something like - 'An Activity with a client event should at least contain one Destination user'. For some reason Server can not find the manager in AD. I would add a couple of Console.WriteLine statements in the Destination Rule and run Server in Console mode to troubleshoot.

Hi Ockert

Yes i used to get the same error "An Activity with a client event should at least contain one Destination user'.
Today i talked to support people in K2. They said that k2 looks for a person as manager and does not look for a group
as manager. and suggested i use Microsoft Active Directory Services. So isnt there any other way to handle this?. Please advice.
