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Hi All,

I added a destination queue in my activity as the destination rule.

I exported the process . After triggering the process, the process went to Running state and then to Error.

I got the following error :

"System.Exception: Type 'SourceCode.Logging.LoggerException' in assembly 'SourceCode.Logging, Version=3.6262.1.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.
   at K2Code44806.Main(ClientEventContext K2)"

The following is the code behind my client event :

public void Main(ClientEventContext K2)
  K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFieldsF"DocPath"].Value  = K2.ProcessInstance.DataFieldsa"FilePath"].Value.ToString() + K2.ProcessInstance.DataFieldsa"FileName"].Value.ToString();      
  K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DataFieldsn"DestinationQueue"].Value = K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.DestQueue.Name.ToString();
  K2.AddWorklist("ASP", K2.SerialNumber);
 catch (System.Exception ex)
  throw new System.Exception(ex.Message);


Please guide me

Thanks and Regards

Hi SourceCode,

There was a hotfix released for the issue you are experiencing. You can download it at



Hi gert,

Thanks a lot for replying.

Is there any workaround for this cause I do not have the portal access .

Please guide.

Thanks and Regards

Unfortunately there is no workaround.

Your best bet would be to talk to your local sales representative about acquiring the hotfix.



Hi ,

I got the required hotfix but what shall I do with it?

Please guide

Thanks and Regards

Install it in a non-production environment, test it, then install the hotfix in prod.

Is there no readme or release notes for it?
