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Hi Everyone.

I don't use the GUI to build my destination, I wrote code.


Works.. where DebugUser is my login.

But I want to change DebugUser to my AD Group i Created (example DEMOGROUP");

I tried replacing DebugUser, but It didn't work :oops: ? Any suggestions?

Have you changed the destinationtype (a group would not be DestinationType.User but DestinationType.Queue)?
I try it.. and let you know.

It didn't send the mail the the AD group, but to the Destination Que. Which is fine, but how can I set on the server who belongs to that que?

My production server won't have the same people... so I need to set them in runtime or set it up on the server before hand.

I CAN'T export it to the production server because the users will change and they need to remove and add people during the time. How will I solve that?

AFAIK, a destination queue is resolved during runtime, so if you add the AD group to a destination queue and then set the queue as the destination for the activity, it should work. If you add the AD group directly into the destination for the activity, is is resolved during design time.

A useful trick is to set up as much a possible using the GUI and only then 'generate code', so you can see how groups are added in code.
