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I've created a simple client event and assigned an Active Directory group as its destination.  When I kick off the process through the workspace and then check the 'worklists' (also in the Workspace) I see that the item is assigned directly to the Active Directory group, and not to the users within the group.  How do I make it so that each user in the AD group gets this workitem on their worklists, similar to how it works if I assign the item to a Workspace Role?

If you go into your destination rule for that activity and click the back button on the wizard you can select to run the wizard in "Advanced" mode which when you click next will give you some additional options as far as how you want to configure the destination rule.  If you select "Plan Per Destination all at once" then a task item will be created for each user of that group.  The default option "Plan just once" creates one task that all the members of the group can access.  This is for situations where you have a large number of people that can potentially action the task but only 1 user needs to complete the item for it to move on.

 I hope this helps...there is also some additional information about the destination rule configuration options in the help files.


If selected "Plan just once", Who will see the item? Everyone in that group before it's status changed to "Open"?
Thank you, Eric, that opened up a number of additional destination rule options for me to play with.  I'm not entirely sure I understand why a task assigned to a role in the workspace would function differently than a task assigned to an Active Directory group when 'Plan just once' is selected, is it recommended to us workspace roles over active directory groups or vice-versa?
I need to re-open this one, as I tried all of the various destination rule options and still could not get the task to appear on the work lists for users belonging to the active directory group I've assigned as the destination user.  It never appears on any worklist, though in the workspace -> worklists section it is displayed as having a destination of the active directory group.  It appears as if it is treating active directory groups the same as if it were just a user.  Has anyone else successfully assigned a task to an active directory group and had it show up in the work list for members of that group?

There must be an issue with assigning tasks to AD groups in BP RTM because that is not how it should work.  I just verified that the AD group resolution works as expected (assigning tasks to the users of the group and not the group itself) in a pre-release version of BP SP1.  I can't give an exact release date for SP1 but I am told that it should be in the next week or so.


That is correct.  "Plan just once" creates a single task item that all the destination users defined for that step will be able to see and access until one of them opens the item, at which point the other users will no longer see the item.

kenlin wrote the following post at 12-03-2007 7:49 PM:
If selected "Plan just once", Who will see the item? Everyone in that group before it's status changed to "Open"?



I don't suppose it would be possible for you to verify that it is indeed an issue to be fixed in SP1 or if I am perhaps doing something else wrong?  I am using hotfix 2.01, surely someone else is trying to use AD groups in this version?  We are trying to make a decision on whether or not to use this product, and utilizing AD groups is a key feature we'd need to use.
I verified with the development team that using AD groups as Destinations was an issue in RTM and is fixed in SP1.

This is a great news then. Is SP1 coming out soon? Before end of Dec, 2007?

I expect it should be available sometime next week
Has this been fixed?  I have SP1 installed and have the same issue-- I see it assigned to the group in the worklist management console, but the user's worklist itself is still blank.
I have been told that it has been fixed.  Has anyone else had this same issue?

I have successfully used an AD Group with the Plan Per Destination - All at once option.  It resolves the AD Group at run time and createa a task for each member in the group.

Please note, I believe you must select the AD Group from the context browser as opposed to putting it in an data field.

Since installing SP1, this issue has been resolved.
