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I am trying to install k2 server in distributed environment (farm). I am using k2 server farm to acheive this. I install k2 server as a farm on system SYS1 and add another k2 server to this farm eg.SYS2.

Everything seems to be fine and installed correctly. All the instances created on SYS2 are shown on SYS1. But when I stop the K2 server on SYS1, the second server SYS2 also stops responding and returns an error message can not connect to remote server.

Is this because SYS1 is treated as primary and I can not work on SYS2 if SYS1 is down. Also, if this is the case how can one achieve high availability K2 host server. NLB can only balance load but can not replicate informations on both the servers.

What is the way to achieve replication and high availibility in a k2 farm?


SYS1 and SYS2 should be reached using a virtual NLB address (A record). i.e., you must have an NLB in front of these two servers. While installing SYS1 as a farm, you must use NLB address. It looks like all your environment variables are populated with SYS1 machine name rather than NLB name.

An NLB balances the load by redirecting the incoming requests to the available server. i.e., if SYS1 is down, it will redirect all request to SYS2. If all the servers in the farm are running, NLB redirects the requests based on your configuration (e.g. round robin etc)

Sujeeth, Thanks for the answer. I will try to implement the architecture that you have provided.

Dear All,


I find this thread very interesting.

My current environment:

1 server with K2/Sharepoint and  2 servers (SQL 2008 in cluster).

If I have two K2/Sharepoint servers and configure NLB, if one of the server failed, will the SQL Server be able to service the working K2/Sharepoint server?

Kindly advise.




Hi Ravi,


Since you are using NLB and your DB is in a cluster, when you mention if 1 of the server fail and i assume is the SP server, SQL should still be able to service the working server.




