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1.) ID4243: Could not create a SecurityToken. A token was not found in the token cache and no cookie was found in the context.
2.) Could not load type 'SourceCode.Security.Windows.WindowsTokenClient' from assembly 'SourceCode.Security.Web, Version=


1.) The browser token lifetime is only going to be valid for a certain period of time. At some point it will expire and K2 will no longer be able to authenticate. Because of security reasons, one would not want the session lifetime token to exist forever. Until the browser looses its "session state", it will continue hitting the K2 STS with the same token which might have expired on the K2 side already. You can try is to extend the session token lifetime in the.

Herewith steps to do so...
- On the machine hosting workspace, go to: :blackpearlInstallDir]WebServicesIdentitySTS
- The select the STS applicable to your environment.
- Open the web.config file in your favorite text editor.

In there you will find 2 settings. These values are in seconds (8 hours by default)

2.) This error indicates the "" assembly could not find the type "". This is almost akin to calling an overload method of an assembly, but the code does not exist. This leads me to believe that you might be on an older smartforms version than that which is supported for blackpearl.

Smartforms has a dependency on blackpearl. As an example, if you are on blackpearl 467, you can only install smartforms 106. If you then proceed to upgrade blackpearl to 468, then you will also have to upgrade smartforms to 107. (With 469 onwards, the version numbers will all be the same and this should eliminate any future confusion regarding different version numbers.)


1.) Extending the "sessiontokenLifeTime" and "MaximumTokenLifetime" values seems to have done the trick here. After doing that, the client got a different error.

2.) The client upgraded to 469 (Which I brought the K2 stack onto the same level) and this solved the issue.


These options didn't work for us.  Some users can successfully connect to the Designer and Worklist, and others cannot.  Any other help out there?

i have same issue, and cannot find solution to same.
