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Sometimes deployment process takes too long for K2 Package and Deployment package, due to the fact that on “Validate the deployment package and configure items for deployment” stage numerous conflicts are reported and each conflict resolution triggers new pass of analysis. This means that you have to wait for analysis to complete after each resolved conflict. Consequently, deployment takes extra time because of this and what is worse requires sitting in front of PC until analyze finally complete to click on next button to deploy.




In case of conflict resolution during package deployment, “Create new version” option should be always available and it is preferable as we ensure that we use latest version and it does not trigger immediate new pass of analysis (though it does require to click Analyze after you resolve all conflicts). Creating new version of SMO is equal to “Create new” operation with the only difference that a new version number will be allocated to SMO - this is stated in K2 documentation.

In K2 4.6.9 there is a new option “Automatically re-analyze after each change” available which when disabled allow you to make all conflict resolution decisions and none of them will trigger analysis until you click Analyze button to analyze all your changes.



Consider upgrade to 4.6.9 or newer version. In K2 4.6.9 there is a new option “Automatically re-analyze after each change” available which when disabled allow you to make all conflict resolution decisions and none of them will trigger analysis until you click Analyze button to analyze all your changes.



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