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Can I deploy smart objects, forms, workflow, etc. outside of SharePoint, to custom .NET web application? Could this be done on single computer--need to support laptop deployments.
Also, can free SharePoint Services be deployed too?




As far as I am aware deploying to a .NET web app would not be possible. When you deploy a project done in K2 which includes the smart objects, views, forms, and workflows it sends it to the K2 Server. Also, more specifically which environment you have chosen (Development or Production perhaps). The K2 server is able to understand the various artifacts whereas a .NET app might require you to dig into the code for each of the K2 artifacts in order to even try to make them work. It may not be possible to begin with.


I'm a bit confused about your question and I'm thinking perhaps you are trying to do a package and deployment to other environments as well? You mention doing a deployment to other laptops but this doesn't seem like something to worry about unless they are on different K2 environments? You can make the process on one computer and other users can utilize what you have created without having the associated K2 artifacts. This is because the process and it's artifacts have been deployed onto the K2 server. So this would only be necessary if you are looking to move it to a different K2 environment or you want to edit it on another laptop and have all of the views, forms, workflows, etc.


The documentation below should help you understand P&D as well as just deploying a project to the K2 Server:

K2 Package and Deployment

Deployment in K2 Studio



Thanks, I will review material, bit to clarify, I am trying to understand what minimal installation would look like if I want to use K2 from an ASP.Net (angular) application, not hosted in SharePoint.

The only way I can think of to integrate K2 and an ASP.NET app would be through a smart object. This would help integrate part of your ASP.NET web app into a K2 workflow. Look over this web page: 


Using K2 SmartObject REST Services with ASP.NET Applications


Other than that you can also create custom ASP.NET forms to use in K2. 


K2 is not actually hosted in Sharepoint. There is K2 for Sharepoint which is a Sharepoint App that integrates K2 and Sharepoint together. Meaning you would already have K2 Blackpearl and Sharepoint installed on your server, then install the K2 for Sharepoint App in order to join them together.


If you have more specific questions on what K2 products would be of use, you might be better off contacting K2 and just talking it out with one of the sales representatives. 
