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We have updated one of our workflow in Dev and tried to deploy it into our Production environment using K2 Package and Deployment. However we encountered few issues during the deployment.


Method not found: 'Void SourceCode.Forms.Design.DefinitionUtility.Merge(SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection, SourceCode.Forms.Authoring.Form, SourceCode.Forms.Authoring.Form, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2)'. System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void SourceCode.Forms.Design.DefinitionUtility.Merge(SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection, SourceCode.Forms.Authoring.Form, SourceCode.Forms.Authoring.Form, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2)'.
at SourceCode.Runtime.Services.Forms.Services.BaseFormViewService`3.MergeAuthoringInstances(AuthoringType source, AuthoringType target, ComplexType ct)
at SourceCode.Runtime.Services.Forms.Services.BaseFormViewService`3.Deploy(IDeploymentContext context) 00:00:00.0358484


To resolve this, we reinstalled the rollups using the manual installation guide.
During the installation (manual) we noticed that there were some assemblies that the auto-installer did not replace and I'm assuming that's what caused the issue.

Reapplied the rollup manually this resolved the issue.


As an alternative, I have followed the steps in below link and it resolved the same issue.
