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Hi all,

After building a very Dummy WorkFlow, with a Form Generation Client Event, I built the project and there are no ERRORS, I added a Smart Object to the Forms Generation Client event.


The following error is being generation on the DEPLOY:

Error    1    Task Error: System.Exception: Forms Generation publishing has failed: Please ensure that if you are deploying this project that you are not attempting to do so on client. Deployment package needs to be created and run on the server in order to publish forms correctly. - System.Exception: There was a problem publishing the generated forms. Please add the generated project to the solution and ensure there are no build errors. Also ensure you have Microsoft Web Deployment Projects addon installed for Visual studio as this could also be a reason for a failed deployment.
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.FormsGeneration.ClientEventDeploymentTask.HasPublishedWebsite()
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.FormsGeneration.ClientEventDeploymentTask.HasPublishedWebsite()
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.FormsGeneration.ClientEventDeploymentTask.Execute()
    C:k2foldCreditWorkFlowCreditWorkFlowobjDebugDeploymentCreditWorkFlow.msbuild    72    6    CreditWorkFlow

Can i please have an idea about the solution of such an error??

Additional Information about this Error:


When i created an XM L schema and add it to the Form generation Client event, the error was not generated, but when i used the Smart Object, The error was generated, so i think the problem is due to the Smart Object, anyone have any idea about that??



Have a look at the K2 Server logs or run the server in Console mode adn check if there are additional information on the actual error in there. The error message returned to the VS isn't always the actual exception's description.
