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When I try to deploy a Sharepoint Events process with a user account which is not the K2 admin, I get this error:

Error 3 Task Error: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Cannot open log for source 'K2 SharePoint Web Services '. You may not have write access. ---> Access is denied
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object ] parameters)
   at SourceCode.SharePoint.WebServices.K2SPEvents.AddEventsToList(String workflowName, String listTite, K2SPObjectType sourceType, K2SPEventReceiverTypee] events)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.SharePoint.Common.Events.AddEventsToList(String workflowFullName, String listTitle, K2SPObjectType objType, K2SPEventReceiverTypee] selectedEvents, Boolean isDocumentLibrary, CredentialCache credCache)
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.EventsService.AddEventsForListItems(EventsObject eventsObj, SharePointEventItem spEvent, String AllEvents)
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.EventsService.Execute(EventsObject eventsObj)
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.EventsTask.Execute()

Moreover, when I deploy such a process with the admin account, I can't create an instance with a user account!

My test process is very simple:

  • a Sharepoint Events Process which starts when a document is added in a document library
  • one activity with one Sharepoint Document event which moves the added document to another lib

If I add a document in the lib with the K2 admin account, ok, a new process instance is created, and everything is fine to the end, but if I add a document with a user account, nothing happens. I even set the account as site admin but it doesn't change anything (of course, I gave start permission in the K2 workspace).

HI Nic,

You are receiving the first error because the user you are deploying a Sharepoint integrated workflow with needs to be an administrator on the MOSS server you are deploying to. He should also be at least a designer on the site collection.

To figure out why the process is failing to start we'll need a little more info.

  • Are there any errors in the MOSS server's event log?
  • Anything happening in the server console?
  • Are you able to start process from the original domain?



Ok, now that the user is an admin of the MOSS front-end, I can deploy processes with this account.

And... I'm lost. I can't understand anything. Here is the current situation:

  • If I add a file using the K2 admin account (in domain1), a new instance is created and the file is moved to the other lib
  • If I add a file using the account I use to deploy processes (in domain2), a new instance is created and the file is moved
  • If I add a file using another account in domain1, nothing happens (in the Blackpearl console, there's even no "Authenticated K2:domain1accountname ..." line)
  • If I add a file using another account in domain2, I get the authentication line for this user, but then I get "does not have rights to start process PROJECT1 est1". BUT "PROJECT1 est1" is not the name of my process!!!! It exists, but this not the one I want. If I give rights to start this latter process, then it works, and an instance is created for the expected process. How is it possible?

The two accounts I use in domain2 have exactly the same rights on the different processes (no rights on PROJECT1 est1, and admin rights on PROJECT2 est2), and on the different servers.

I will have a look at the MOSS logs...

Edit: Nothing particular in the log.

Edit2: my first account in domain2 was in a group which has rights on PROJECT1 est1... I have remove it from this group and now I can't start PROJECT2 est2 anymore...
