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When I am trying to deploy smartobjects from Development environment to Staging environment through Visual Studio, I am getting above error.

Here Staging server version is (4.8210.2.515) and Development server version is (4.8210.1.0).

Is this a problem with version?

Thanks in advance..



Don’t think is it has to do with the versions, but rather with a connection string.

My gut says that one of the connection strings in the package still points to the dev environment. How are you trying to deploy, via Studio or MSBUILD package?


Thanks Vernon for reply.

I got a solution, its solved.  Actually I am trying to deploy through Visual Studio.

thats great, can you post your solution for future reference please?


Yes Vernon, Ur right.

That is problem with Connection String. In the connection string I didnt provide  UserID, Password and Doamin name.Now in connection string I have taken Host is IP address (instead of Server name) of Staging environment , UserID, Password, WindowsDomain of Staging environment, becoz Staging environment has different domain. Now smartobjects are deployed successfully.

