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I ve two Domains(DomainA,DomainB).DomainA existing in Development Environment and DomainB existing in Production Environment.

My question is i created a process using K2Designer for VisualStudio in Development Environment(DomainA).How can i deploy this process in Production environment(DomainB).

If u ve any ideas reply me.



Below is a brief idea of the things to think about...

 You'll need to make sure all the non-Workflow and SmartObject components are manually installed and configured in the other environment first.  This means things like custom servicebrokers, dynamic serviceinstances, roles, working hours/zones.

If you're using non-SmartBox SmartObjects, then sometimes the ServiceInstance GUID can be an issue that prevents you from deploying a SmartObject between environments.  There is a very handy utility here (

You'll also need to account for any non-K2 dependencies.  Things like ASP.NET applications, custom services, SharePoint lists, custom databases...

You can edit the "Production" K2 environment library fields in the K2 object browser to reflect the proper settings for your prod environment.

When the above is complete then you are ready deploy the K2 process(es) and/or SmartObject(s).  If you're DEV and PROD environment are reachable from the same developer machine, you can select the "Production" K2 environment library and select Deploy from within Visual Studio.  If you are not able to connect to PROD from your dev machine, then you can create an MSBUILD package and take that to the server and run it from the commandline (this is covered in KB 188,

