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i have tried to deploy my workflow and i keep getting this error pop up without any message, my reach showed that i need to reduce my activities before the workflow deploy, does k2 have a limited number of activities and events that a workflow should run on, as it appears that i cannot reduce any of the actvities and events i have currently and i stil have quite a number of acitivies and events i still need to add to the workflow. Is there a work aroundi can deploy?




There is a limit to the number of activities K2 should have in a process but it also depends on other configuration settings like events, line rules, etc each workflow has.  However, I'm not certain this is the issue you're facing.  What is the size of your process KPRX file?


In the below whitepaper K2 recommends keeping a process to 20 activities or less which is probably overly conservative as I've seen lots with more than 20 with no problems whatsoever.  Personally I would try and keep them below 30.  If your process has more than 30 steps that need to be different activities then you can use an IPC event to call a sub workflow.  It adds some complexity but it also has advantages as well like you can update subworkflows without affecting the parent.

