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I am getting the error below when I try to deploy a sharepoint workflow integrated workflow from Visual Studio. Does anyone know how to fix it?

My setup is a single virtual server with MOSS and K2 SP1 installed on it. The service user for K2 is a local admin as is the Sharepoint service user, and the K2 service user is site collection administrator. My account (that I am logged in as when I try to deploy) is also a local admin on the machine, and site collection admin. Kerberos is not being used. 

The project builds without error.

I have tried creating a new (very simple) process, and it gives the same error.

I am able to deploy a process that has a Sharepoint Event Process rather than the Sharepoint workflow integration

It would be great if someone could help me out with this, as I am supposed to be demonstrating next Wednesday.....

Error Below:

Error 2 Task Error: System.Exception: Error occurred adding the feature to the farm. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access denied.
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Objectm] parameters)
   at SourceCode.SharePoint.WebServices.K2SPFeatures.AddWorkflowFeature(String featureTitle, String description, Boolean isDefaultForms, K2SPStartForms startForms, K2SPTaskFormK] taskForms, K2SPModificationFormf] modForms)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.SharePoint.Common.Features.AddWorkflowFeature(String featureTitle, Boolean isDefaultForms, String FeatureDescription, K2SPStartForms startForms, List`1 taskForms, List`1 modForms, CredentialCache credCache)
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.WorkflowIntegration.ConfigureEvent.AddFeature(IntegrationObject integration)
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.WorkflowIntegration.WorkflowIntegrationService.Execute(IntegrationObject integration, Boolean testMode, Boolean createDependancies)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.WorkflowIntegration.WorkflowIntegrationService.Execute(IntegrationObject integration, Boolean testMode, Boolean createDependancies)
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.SharePoint.WorkflowIntegration.WorkflowIntegrationTask.Execute()
 C:Documents and SettingsadminMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsSDIProdSignOffSPWFSDIProdSignOffSPWFobjDebugDeploymentSDIProdSignOffSPWF.msbuild 74 6 SDIProdSignOffSPWF

Hello arduk,

 I've seen this before and it usually would have to do with the user not having local admin rights on the MOSS server.  There is an update for blackpearl on the portal site (if you have access to it) that helps resolve this issue.  You can find it at:

 K2 blackpearl with Service Pack 1 Update KB000211

 Hope this helps,




