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Hye all,

Is there any way to delete a process from the workflow server in the workspace?

What I mean is when you open the Workspace -> Management Console -> Workflow Server -> Processes -> TestProcess1. I need to delete TestProcess1 because i dont need it and get confused with it.

Please help and thank you in advance ;)

Depending which version you are running. I’m speaking under correction but I think the ability to delete process definitions was included form Blackpearl 4.5 KB1290.

Navigate to Management Console > Workflow Server > PROCESS > Versions ---- Use the Delete ALL VERIONS, this will remove the process from the ”processes” node as well.

From here you can delete entire process definitions. In earlier versions of Blackpearl this was not possible; you could only delete process instances.



Thank you Vernon for your prompt response! Currently i'm using version KB001390. So that means I need to update my K2 Blackpearl...

Thank you again for the reference! ;)
