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Delete Processes And Data




I was hoping to get some information on how to delete processes from K2. I would like to delete a particular process (and all version). But when I delete the process I would like all of its data to go away also (for reporting).

It seems as if after deleting a process I can still review its data under the "process overview" report, among others. How do you go about removing all of the associated "report" data?



The following options are possible.

1. When removing a process instance/multiple process instances, if you do not wish to keep the reporting data for that process instance(s), please also make sure to select the option "Remove Log Entries?". This will remove the reporting data per process instances.

2. When deleting a process definition version/all process definition versions, if you do not wish to keep any reporting data, please also select the "Delete all historical (log) data based on the version deleted" > then "Show Dependencies" > the "Delete" this will remove all process definition version and any related process instance reporting data associated with the version selected/all version if deleting all.

3. If you had deleted all process definition versions, but did not select the "Delete all historical (log) data based on the version deleted" option. There is not a UI for deleting these reporting data after-the-fact. It may be possible to delete these reporting data using a stored procedure; although it is not usually recommended.  If you would like to pursue this route, please log a K2 Support ticket.  




Please make a database backup before doing so and test this in another environment to familiarize with the process, as direct database manipulation/execution is not recommended. Please use option 1/2 when possible.




My [ServerLog].[lProcDelete] wait IdProc and not ProcName. It's normal ?


And i don't see a picture 'StoredProcedure.png'.
