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Hi, I am using K2Studio to develop a workflow like this: 

Activity1  Destination User: A

Activity2  Destination User: A

Activity3  Destination User: A


And now at runtime, A delegated the task to B at Activity1, so it becomes:


Activity1  Destination User: A, B (B can be any user, not fixed) 

Activity2  Destination User: A

Activity3  Destination User: A


But what I would like to have is that after the delegation at Activity1, it keeps going on from Activity1 to Activity2 and ends at Activity3:  

Activity1  Destination User: A, B (B can be any user, not fixed)

Activity2  Destination User: A, B (B can be any user, not fixed)

Activity3  Destination User: A


What is a simple approach to do that?

Dear  ,


I have used Delegation scenario as following , for runtime SmartForm , i have used  a Picker Control , this picker control has data source from the list of users u want to choose for assigning the next activity , when u pick a user then Submit the form , on submit button u will have a rule "Action worklist item" or if it was the first activity u will have "Start workflow" , anywho , at that point u will need to send the picker UserName to Workflow Data field , and use that Data field as Destination for the next activity .

Creating a data field in ur workflow is simple , on k2 studio left side u will have Solution explorer and other features etc ,

Click on Object Browser and add data field to ur workflow process for example name it as "Delegation"



So after u create the data field u will need to deploy the solution , then ur smartform will be able to find it .

go back to the rules that actions the worklist items and send the Picker Username u choose from smart form to the "Delegation" data field .

then go to ur specific workflow activity , and configure Destination part , and use the "Delegation" data field .


Hope it helps ,

Best regards.

Thanks AhmadYaqub. But when i configure the Destination part, I need to enter the User object, how can I retrieve the User object from the data field? I created the data field as a string.

Dear ,

when u configure the destination part , u will find the object browser looks like this ,




This is the place where u will find ur data field , only difference is instead of administration process , it will be the name oof ur own process .


Best Regards.
