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Is it possible to use the DelegateTask SOAP method to delegate a task to a SharePoint Group?  If so, what is the format for the targetUsername?  I know you can manually delegate a task to a group, but I need to be able to use the DelegateTask method in my C# project to accomplish this.  I've tried to use the group name as a string with and w/out spaces, but I get the following error:
"Server was unable to process request. ---> Failed to find user 'PortfolioAnalystGroup'. Ensuring the user exists failed."

I have exactly the same question. I'd like to delegate tasks to SharePoint Groups using the "Call Webservice" activity. 


I suppose the Group Name need any prefix to indicate it's a SP Group?

We have determined that the DelegateTask method in the Workflow web service does not support the use of SharePoint groups.  After much gnashing of teeth we found the following in our ULS:  

"03/05/2020 09:17:39.63 w3wp.exe (DEV01:0x1F2C) 0x1604 SharePoint Foundation Resolve ax7np Medium Exception getting AD sid resolver. Input: 'TestGroup-Admins', Exception: 'System.SystemException: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed."

The "AD sid resolver" would imply the web service uses active directory to validate the new assignee.  This would exclude SP groups since they are not in the active directory.


If someone has found a way to use a SharePoint group with this web service method, we'd be happy to hear about!


