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Hi Everyone,
i'm designing a workflow where there are at least 2 level of approvers.
inside the initiator's request is a field called Event Date.
Saying that the request has been submitted and approved by the first level approver.
Ideally, the request should be on the second level approver say all rules has been satisfied.

The question is, i want the request to be available for the second level approver only if the current date is at least 2 weeks before the Event Date. would i just add a line rule for this one or there is a smarter way to solve this?

Thanks in advance.
I don't understand your question. How can the second level approval occur 2 weeks BEFORE Event Date - if Event Date is set at first level approval?

If Event Date is a process level variable, you should be able to set the Start Rule for second level approval to only start 2 weeks after Event Date.

Sorry for the seemingly confusing terms.

inside the initiator's request is a field called Event Date.
What I mean with this is that the request being submitted for approval is
a request for funding to an event/convention to be conducted on a specified Future Date (Event Date).
So, the Event Date here is a Process Data Field to be filled when submitting a request.

The rule is that, the request should only appear in the second level approver's worklistitems just 2 weeks prior to the Event Date to avoid too early funding.

Start rule should be great but i noticed that the paramers is validated AFTER the specified Date. I Want it BEFORE a specific Date.

Again, thanks in advance.

Ok, makes a lot more sense now, thank you.

You can use the 'Start 1 minute after K2.ProcessInstance.Datafields("EventDate").Value' option in the wizard. Generate the code behind the StartRule and in code determine a specific date and time two weeks prior to Event Date. Substitute this DateTime value with the Event Date datafield so that your StartRule read something like:
Start 1 minute after '2 weeks prior to Event Date'

Hope this helps,
Thanks a lot Ockert...

That's a very cool solution i didn't figure out. :idea:

