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can anybody help me with information about this Event. What do the Web Page need to communicate with K2? How finishing the worklist item?

Is there any lab to this issue available?



This question requires more information than is suitable to a post, but at a high level, the Default Client Event - Web Page is used for integrating K2 process with ASP.NET pages.  You will typically pass the process serial number (SN) in the query string (this is the default behaviour) and then load a user's actions onto the page by making a call to the worklist API and passing in the SN.  An example might look like:

The SN in this case is what is needed to load a user's actions from the Worklist Item (i.e. Approved, Declined, etc.).  There is some sample code in the K2 Documentation on how to load and execute Actions.  It can be found at 'Start -> All Programs -> K2 blackpearl -> K2 blackpearl Documentation' at

'K2 Developer Reference -> Processes -> Accessing'

 Another frequently used feature on the Default Client Event is passing in a SmartObject ID into the query string as well.  You could then load data from a SmartObject that is applicable to the current process instance.

Thanks for this start point - I guess I now on the right way.
