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I'm new to K2 and created a process that should start a simple workflow when a document is added to a document library.  The process deployed without an error and I can see through K2 Site Settings Event Integration that the process is connected to the event.  Yet when I upload a document nothing happens.  What sort of debugging is available? 

Hi Amy,

What you can do is to enable full logging, so that K2 can log all events to a log file which should then be able to provide you with more information of what is happening.

Below is a link that will take you to a blog that explains how to enable full logging and getting the right log file;

Although it mentions K2 Blackpearl, it also applies for K2 Blackpoint.

What you also can do, is to start K2 in console mode by stopping the service in services,msc, then open Start menu -> All Programs -> K2 Blackpearl -> K2 blackpearl server.

This will launch a command window which will return live feedback of what is happening at the given time.

Please note that you need to start the Console using the K2 Service account credentials.

Hope this helps.



SharePoint Events Integration logs to the System Application Log on the SharePoint machine. Look there first. I am guessing process rights is missing.

Thanks for this information.  I'm in the process of getting the access I need to view the K2 Logs.  

Thanks.  I was able to determine the problem after viewing the SharePoint event log and it was process rights for a service account.
