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We are experiencing the following results when two people submit (hit the K2SubmitButton. These buttons are on 2 different smartforms that attach to 2 different workflow processes on the same k2server. ) Both submissions are happening on/about the exact same time.

1) Neither submission hits the K2 server. The console does not show any activity. There are no processes started.

2) One of the submissions (presumably the first received) makes it to the K2 server and processes, whereas the other one is never received. Only one process is started.

Has anybody experienced this before? This is very troubling and is a huge problem as we can't deliver our K2 solution with this existing issue.

Here are some other details regarding the development set up.
1) We do write to SharePoint on the <onclick> event before the button submit event executes. I don't know why this would be a problem.
2) The console is running for this test.

Is there anyway to confirm that the smartform is even kicking off the event correctly everytime?
Does anybody know what might be causing this to happen?
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