I seem to be really spamming the forums today - apologies to all but I have a lot to do, in not enough time, with not enough knowledge!!
My process is kicked off by an aspx smartform. One of the fields is "Due Date". I want to generate a reminder email before this due date is reached.
As the moment my C# for this server event looks like:
.Value.ToString()) .AddDays(- 5);
This is fine for the the hardcoded value of Reminder Date = (Due Date - 5 Days). However, I do not want the number of days to be hard coded.
So I added a K2DropDownList to my form with 1 day, 2 days, 3 days etc (with value set to 1,2,3,etc). This is bound to a process instance datafield called "DaysTillReminder" (type: integer).
But I can't seem to get the code right. I want:
[TaskReminderDate] = [Due Date] - [DaysTillReminder]
Can anyone help me out with the code here? Or maybe suggest a better way. Many thanks!!
Kind regards,