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Database size growing exponentially in production


We launched to production on July 1st and our K2 dbs in production is increasing exponentially in size. We are testing out the archiving tool and will be archiving in production next week. But during our tests we did not see much improvement in size after archiving. Is there any settings that we can use to remove temp data not required after a given point in time from the K2 db. Please advise. I'd like to setup a meeting to discuss with our DBAs as well. Please let me know your availability.

Here are the details on the sizes consumed:
K2 932407.13 MB 932.40713 412 12


First off on the phone, you had asked if you can use shrink, and yes you can ( ) if your DBA's see it as a benefit we have no issues with it.

From the report the two largest by far tables are ServerLog tables and it is recommended that those table be archived The following links may help if you do not already have this information.

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