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Suppose the following scenario: one of existing K2 solutions integrated with InfoPath no longer works with the following error:




Event ID: 5566 InfoPath Forms Services
The following query failed: %query_details%
Connection target: %target_details%
Request: %request_details%
Form ID: %form_urn%
Type: DataAdapterException, Exception Message: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Server was unable to process request. ---> Exception of type 'SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectException' was thrown.




As it is clearly visible from the error details that your error comes from SmartObjects layer, you need to check SmartObjects logging as well as K2 host server logs for more specific details which will help you to isolate root cause of this exception.

As one specific example you may see the following in these logs:

After enabling smart objects logging and reproducing the error we were able to see the following error in smart objects logs:

Input string was not in a correct format. Couldn't store andlt1.11111111111111E 19andgt in %%Column_Name% Column. Expected type is Decimal.

The same error was reflected in K2HostServer.log:

10702 An error occurred in the %Service_Instance_Name% Service Instance. Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store <1.11111111111111E 19> in %Column_Name% Column. Expected type is Decimal.

The fact that error/exception comes from SmartObjects layer says that this is an issue on your data layer where some unexpected data entered in system which does not match defined data type.

In aforementioned example we see that service instance of SharePoint Service V2 type has SharePoint list based SmartObject which was used by K2 solution and after checking its contents it was possible to see that list had couple of entries where columns contained extremely long figures which were the cause of this error. Once they were removed abovementioned error disappeared.



Use K2 host server logs in combination with K2 SmartObjects logging to isolate data layer issue.


See K2 Auditing and Logging KB article for details on enabling logging, as well as "How to K2: SmartObject Runtime logging" video.


Additionally you can download K2 Logging and Troubleshooting Quick Reference document for your reference.



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