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Here is a poser. I have a multi-select field that uses a smartobject. The value is set to be different from the display because I need the value for part of my process. However I also need the displayed value in the multi-select field for a notification event. Is there a way to have access to both the display and the value from a particular smartobject? Hopefully Im explaining this effectively.





Not sure if is a list view or item view...


but for Item View you surely can have a  DataLabel and Transfer Data to get the data directly from the SMO. 

Another alternative is use of Params as variable to store the value needed and display another value.


Hope this helps.

Sorry I didnt mention it. Its an editable list. I have an interface to add the values for administration purposes. I want to use the data in the body of an email. I need to make sure the context menu gives me access to whatever temporary storage I choose.

The intent is to take the display value from an existing multi-select control. Im using a value different from the display value for an email event but now I need to create a list that shows the display value further into the process.
