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i have upgraded the smartforms to 4.6.10. In my application i have one view "B"  and one form "A", in view B i have rule "open "A" as a subform". here i trasfered/ cofigured view data labels to form data labels/parameters. data labels values are present on view. but on Subform i am getting Blank values for the Data label.

Please Suggest solution  on this.







The first thing that I would check would be the rules on the form 'A' to make sure that the data labels are actually being populated when the form is initialized. If all of that seems to be working correctly, then I would suggest that you double check where you open the form to make sure that all of your bindings are assigned. After that, I woul double check to make sure that the parameters that you are passing in are actually populated themselves.



Hi Ian,


I already check the bindings and rule there is nothing wrong in that. and also i am getting Data label values at view level but after passing them to form Data labels i m getting blank values. this is happened after i update to 4.6.10. In my other environment which is having 4.6.6/1.0.4 similar thing is working fine and i am getting values at form level.




