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Hi all -


I have a business app with a lot of roles and a lot of people play the part in a lot of different roles.  We currently use escalations to remind folks when they have tasks to do, but it can be quite spastic because some people are very cross-functional and it generates a lot of email.


I was interesting in setting up a process where K2 will basically monitor for these processes (perhaps by folio name) and maybe daily if you have outstanding tasks, it would generate a single email for you letting you know you have work to do, and then maybe include the task listing in the email with a link to get to the worklist.


In this particular application I have a requests table that tracks requests as they come in, and it could definitely be used to do this, but really I would rather rely on the K2 database and what it thinks are actually outstanding, just in case I ever have data integrity issues in the future with my custom table (I don't want to generate this email because a request is int he table that was never updated appropriately - whereas I know if K2 thinks a task is assigned it will be in the worklist).


Does anyone have any tips on how to accomplish this?  I don't want to write code.



If you dont want to write custome code then better write store proc to interrogate the K2 database and expose the Store proc as SmartObject to use in your new Workflow.


If you want multiple format of emails for different people as per their role and responsibilities then compose the format of body in the SQL itself and pass it to K2 Email notification body.



Nathan Pillai

This is a good idea.  Which table is the authority for task assignments?  serverlog.worklist?  Looks like I could do a simple join with the procinst table and get outstanding tasks.

If you join, the actinsdest , worklist and procinst tables in the serverlog schema, you should be able to get the folio, step and user details.


one way of doig tis would be to then have sql agent job that sends an email to each user who has a task outstanding. You can maybe even join onto Identity table and get the email address for that user.  It should be in the Properties coloumn of the identity table under the identity schema. Its in a xml so you may have to parse to get to the email node. This should all be achieveable without writing a sigle line of code, if sql does not count as code.


