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I'm stumbling through creating custom wizard for our deployment and have a few questions.


The wizard I'm working on requires that a popup window be displayed to insert data into, much like the SharePoint MetaData Property wizard, and a lot of other out of the box wizards.  I've created a K2PopupWindow object and set it's content to a user control that has the fields needed, and all of that works fine - however, I need the user to be able to interact with the K2 Object Browser, just like they can with other popup windows in the rest of the K2 "out of the box" wizards.

How can I do that?  Is there a property that I'm missing on K2PopupWindow that exposes the K2Browser? 

Is there another way I should be implementing this?

Is there better documentation for the API somewhere?  The Developer Reference is very, very limited in what it tells you, basically nothing more than using Intellisense to get help :(


Please help!

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