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I am having some trouble trying to make a custom task list.

For a given process instance, I want to display a list of the client events so far, showing their destinatary and the status of the activities. Optionally, it would also be nice to display the remaining activities of the process,  although I understand that here some activities could be shown that could finally not be executed (due to activation rules). (I won't be having this problem since the process is just a list of secuential tasks)

The problem that I am having is that I am not being able to get hold of all the information that I need using de K2 API:

- K2Rom.Connection.OpenWorkList only displays not completed tasks for the logged user. Passing a WorkListCriteria isn't helping to get other users tasks or other status other than active.

- K2Rom.Connection.OpenProcessInstance() isn't giving any info about the instance activities.

- K2Manager.GetProcInstActivities  doesnt give any info of the event destinations nor the activities status.

- Parsing K2Rom.Connection.ViewProcessInstance xml gives the status of the client events but not the destinatary that excecuted the task.

I am missing some method to obtain the info that I need? Is my only solution to go directly to the DB? In this case, which are the tables that I should look into? I took a brief look at them and I could see clearly wich are the tables needed, besides that I don't know which info is found in K2 and wich in K2Log.

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi Manuel.

The behavior you are experience is completely normal for K2ROM and K2MNG.

K2ROM will only display worklist items for the user underwhich the connection was established.

K2MNG will only display data for active process instances.

Neither K2ROM or K2MNG will retrieve data from the K2Log (reporting) database.

The type of data you are looking for is more reporting oriented.  As such, I would recommend you take a look at the reporting webservice.  KB 21 ( covers how to do this in detail.


Hi Bob, thank you for your response.

Unfortunatelly, I don't have access to the K2 KB. I work for an outsourcing company and I am in a proyect for a client that has bought and uses K2, but I believe they aren't paying for the Mainteinance plan.

In case that document is only for paying users,  could you just tell me which WS are you talking about and I will take it a look?

In my installation I just have the followin WS and none seem to have the info that I need:

  •  InfoPathService.asmx}
  • K2Process.asmx
  • FilterService.asmx
  • WorklistService.asmx 


Thank you very much,


The FilterService.asmx is used by the 2003 for reporting.
